Wednesday, November 18, 2009

How to EASILY root your Android

I’ve been asked by a few people how do you obtain root, more so after posting the ROM.

I will put the method I used on my HTC Magic (32B) here for you all and those game can test it on other devices.


Also HTC Magics are split into groups there is those who will have 32B and those who will have 32A so find out what yours is before doing this as some ROMs ain’t compatible with the two different groups.

If you test the method below on a device that ain’t a HTC Magic 32B and it works leave a comment and tell me so I can tell others here, DON’T leave a comment if you messed up your phone cause of this.

Your doing this at YOUR OWN RISK I ain’t forcing you I can’t stress that enough (but I will).

Now I must tell you you risk bricking your device which normally means its useless and unusable and if you root you void your warranty instantly in most countries.

I’m not responsible for any issues that may arise from this you do this at your own risk.

If you understand everything above move on to what’s below…one more time – at your own risk.

1. Download Astro File Manager by Clicking Here

2. Download Flash Recovery by Clicking Here

3. Download A ROM I recommend Cyanogen for beginners just Google “Cyanogen ROM”.

4. Back up your data, I recommend backing up everything including all your content on your SD.

5. Install Flash Recovery using Astro File Manager (should be located under downloads folder on your SDCard)

6. Open Flash Recovery

7. Click Flash Cyanogen 1.4 then wait till it says complete.

8. Ensure the ROM you choose in step 2 is on your SD card and not in a folder on your SD it has to be on the SD card to be visible on recovery.

9. Rename the ROM (using Astro file manager on the market) to “FHL09″

10. Switch off your phone…breath deeply 3times (at least I did, who knows it might bring luck)

11. Your phone should now be off and nothing on screen

12. Now hold down Home (the button that looks like a house) and hold down power both at the same time and don’t release until your phone displays a picture on screen (normally your service provider)

13. After that a menu with the android robot type logo in the background will display (if you get a image with a “!” In the middle of a triangle your phone AIN’T bricked however you will have to pull the battery out, put it back in, power on your device and restart from step 4 and follow the instructions CAREFULLY)

14. If your looking at this you must be past step 11, from now on is the easy part (shocking huh).

15. Select Nandroid Backup and press home button then wait till it completes (this here is to get back stock super easy if you don’t like root)

16. Select “Apply sdcard:choose zip” and pick “FHL09″ from the list then wait till it installs it should say complete

17. Now click reboot or restart (its at the very top of the list)


The first start up does take time and will after every flash of a ROM, further restarts will be faster.

If you try root and its not for you and you want stock back its easy if you followed step 13 above.

1. Switch off your device

2. Hold down Home and Power at the same time release upon screen appearing.

3. Select restore Nandroid backup and wait till its complete.

4. Now click reboot or restart (its at the very top of the list)

DONE!!! you will now have stock and would of lost root fully and need to start from step 1 in the first lot of steps above to gain it again should you want it.

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