Wednesday, November 25, 2009

[Rants!] VZW vs. at&a/Apple... a downward spiral

This is getting rediculous.

Now while I do enjoy a little mid slinging between big companies but this is just obnoxious. VZW really had some ego to go after AT&T in such a direct fashion by aiming at what many would consider AT&T’s most desired phone and the customers themselves.  Stranger still, it seems quite evident that Apple has no desire to even offer the iPhone on the VZW network since the recent ads equally denounce VZW’s network capabilities.  Granted, AT&T is absolutely one of my biggest – if not only – compliant about the iPhone.   However, there are several things that drew me away from VZW – even as an ex-employee.


It’s clear that the original iPhone changed the market and landscape for mobile phones. It had it’s serious draw backs (We are all well aware of them) but the core functions and features of the phone changed how phones were to be built from that moment on.


While I was employed at Verizon Wireless, I was amazed at how arrogant their approach to dethrone the iPhone when it first came out.  They were extremely dismissive.  They would feed us stories of the new LG Chocolate being just as advanced as the iPhone.  Yes, a first generation LG Chocolate!  WTF?!

The continual behavior of ignoring the elephant in the room was something that got under my skin too.  I suppose they are just facing the music with their recent ads, but to do so in such a way that lowers yourself to a level like this is just beyond me.  I can see how the ads would be comical to an extent, but it’s just not affective to me.  That’s not to say that I am an AT&T or Apple fanboy.  Both of them have equally wacky behavior.  Again, I refer to the latest ads from Apple themselves.  I would say that Apple isn’t interested in having the iPhone on any other US network, period.

On the other hand…

VZW is like the aunt Sally that freaks you out with her hairy face moles and tattered robes but gives you $50 every time you come over.  I cannot deny that VZW’s voice service is far more reliable than that of EVERY other US carrier.  Their data speeds are sick – I long for the day that an EVDO-Rev A iPhone rests in my palm.  Yet, again, Apple points out one of the biggest flaws of VZW (other than bad commercials): their network doesn’t multi-task.  HA!  Sure the iPhone doesn’t allow background tasks, but neither does the VZW network!  Suck that Droid!

So what’s next?

Competition is great, it only benefits the customers.  But can we have some manners guys?  Getting your hands dirty in public just doesn’t make sense.  It’s like Jerry Springer just took over advertising at Apple AND VZW AND AT&T!

And where will this end?  Law suits are flying around, blogs like this little one are cluttering up our nets, and gritty commercials cloud our 5 minute breaks from ‘The Office’ already.   What’s left guys?  Creating an OS and delivering specialized content based on our current handset?  Better hurry, Googles beating you to the punch.


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